“It's better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.” Prov 24:6 Msg

Spending a month working out with weights, swimming laps, or running up mountains will tone your body. But all that work, as good as it is, has little affect on who you really are. You are a spirit, and you will live forever either in heaven or hell. You also have a soul, which is your mind, will and emotions, and finally your outer shell, which is your body. You are a three part being according to 1 Thess 5:23.

Great strategy lines up your soul with your spirit, not your body. Your body can give you a many choices, but when these decisions don’t flow with the Word, you will be tossed to and fro on the waves of life instead of planting your feet on The Rock.

It is time for a life change then the same pattern seems to take you around and around the same merry-go-round. There is a frieze around the Library of Congress with a quote from Thomas Jefferson, “A man who writes is an exact man….”  When you write words and phrases down as you read the Bible, a life strategy becomes obvious.

The Word reveals His plans for your life. You can meditate to a 10,000 year old demon spirit doing TM or you can follow the Father of Spirits, God Himself. He exposes His plans for you as you do, and they are always good.

You can choose any direction in life you want to go.  But I always see people far happier when they find the Real Thing, instead of a deceptive imitation which continually leads you down a dead end. Find a good church that feeds you, or even watch a great Bible teacher online in case you are not ready to take that step.  God has it all worked out, there is nothing to fear. He is ready to drop a spirit of power, love and a sound mind into your heart, so go for it!


"Dear child, if you become wise, I’ll be one happy parent. My heart will dance and sing to the tuneful truth you’ll speak.” Pro 23:15-16

You may have seen the movie Happy Feet. Mumble the penguin is born into a tribe that can only find their soul mates by singing a “heartsong.” If the male's song matches the female’s, the two penguins are linked for life. But Mumble has a huge disability: he can’t sing! However he does have one redeeming talent; Mumble can tap dance. But no other member of his tribe has ever encountered a dancing penguin. So Mumble becomes an outcast. Instead of accepting defeat, Mumble chooses to rejoice. He finds a another group of penguins who do accept him. Later he even makes his way back to his own tribe and dances his way to the penguin wife of his dreams.

This is the choice parents get to make when a family situation seems to go awry. First of all, don’t let rejection get to you, but decide to be thankful. You can either stay down or you can rise up. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, rejoice your way to victory. Your attitude is the only thing people can't take away from you. How you think and what you say makes all the difference in any spiritual battle.

Choose your weapons: do you want to stay in defeat for the rest of your life or are you ready to praise your way out of it? One friend of ours was completely overcome by the choices her daughter was making, but she decided to change her approach. Instead of looking at the girl's actions, this Mother kept her eyes on the Lord. The daughter was so shocked, she asked her Mom, “Is someone coaching you?” The Mom laughed and knew she was on the right track.

Find someone else who has successfully overcome what you are battling. Stick close to them and find out how the Holy Spirit directed them. He might have a totally different strategy for you, but It is confirmation you are on the right path.