Staying Vine Connected


1 Timothy 4:1 says “But the Holy spirit says in the latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits, and doctrines that demons teach….”

It is sad to see a Christian friend move away from faith in Jesus. Do you know anyone who questions their faith? Start praying for them that they will not fall into deception and become hardened to spiritual truth. You guard yourself against deceptive doctrine by diligent study of the Word of God.

How do people determine if a dollar bill is counterfeit or not? They line it up with the genuine article and compare them side by side. When you spend time reading the Bible, “your progress will be evident to everybody…” v.15. And His Truth that flows through you will not only set you free but others around you.

“Till I come, devote yourself to reading, to exhortation, and to teaching and to instilling doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 A well known minister friend of ours says when he is preaching, he is really ministering to himself first. So know the word that flows through you to teach others is really building yourself up as well when you are connected to the Vine!

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



"The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the whole person..." Psalms 19:7 AMP

Many times we are out there doing so many things for our bodies like a massage, make up, walking, core classes, swimming or for me, pickleball. But the one thing that can refresh you, body, soul AND spirit, is reading your word. God will direct your day as you spend time in the Bible every morning. Life will flow on a path of peace as you dig into His book. The Holy Spirit will guide you in your daily decisions. Just because you made an effort to put Him first!

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



The Lord started talking to Elijah in a cave after he was rested from running from Jezebel, the evil wife of King Ahab. You might need the Lord to talk to you today.

“And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.  And behold, the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in piece the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake, but he Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire  a sound of gentle stillness and a still small voice.”

1 Ki 19:11-12 amp

Those are instructions on how to hear God when you need instruction. God didn’t manifest Himself with a showy, flashy manifestation of power. He spoke to Elijah through a still small voice. And He still wants to communicate with you through a whisper deep within your spirit. Let your heart be tuned into the Master’s voice today. It will be the best day you have ever had.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary


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Have you ever wondered why you don’t get more answers in your prayers? Sometimes it is due to a lack of follow up! Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord. thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.”
God planned your days before you were even born, but the enemy does everything he can to thwart those plans. The Lord wrote everything in His word to restore everything to its proper order. As we believe it and confess it, it literally begins to become reality.
Some people believe or a lot of things but don’t see the manifestation.  That could be because they are believing, which is good, but they are not following up their belief with speaking. Declaring your vision is an intrinsic part of seeing it come to pass. Writing it on a prayer board, confessing scriptures out of a book and inserting your name in there, both of these methods create a great follow up to what you are praying for and brings the vision to the forefront as you speak it.
You may see some results to your prayers but speaking out the vision puts the cayenne pepper into the enchiladas.  Put your mouth into your heart for His service. Oftentimes people call those things as they see them instead of how God sees them and then don’t get any results and can’t figure out why. We won’t see positive results in our daily lives if we constantly talk negatively. Remember, whatever you are speaking,, you are calling for. You call the dog and you expect him to come to you (especially if you have a treat in your hand!). But when you call for other things, either positively or negatively, you can also expect that to come to you. Words are like containers, they can carry creative or destructive power. So watch what you are saying!!
I remember in the 80ties I kept calling for a son after having two daughters when we were pastoring our first church in Santa Barbara.  We would call out his name in front of the whole congregation. People would shake their heads and laugh, but several years later when we transitioned into a traveling ministry and were living in Tulsa, Oklahoma, David made his appearance. It seemed unlikely I would give birth at the age of 41, and one obstetrician said to consider aborting him (I quickly changed doctors!). But I knew what we had prayed and called for the Lord would deliver. And He did!
 Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



The enemy is always trying to bring in confusion and disarray, but you know when that happens it is time to clean out your closet.  Paul warns people in 2 Corinthians 11:3 not to let their minds be corrupted from “wholehearted and sincere and pure devotion to Christ…” the King James version is clear, rendering that phrase to the “simplicity that is in Christ….”
Learn to keep your life as simple as possible in this overly digitized and technological world. Definitely have a plan for your life, but stay open to God’s plan. He might have another direction He wants you to go in. You can block God’s plan when you follow your flesh and don’t consult the Lord.
The funny thing is, His plan is often so simple, that sometimes we can miss it. We tend to look for something more complicated, or difficult in our plan to please God. Jesus tells us to simply believe if we want to follow him; that involves using your mouth to call those things that are not as though they are until they show up.
The most important thing to a child in life is to have fun. Children have an uncomplicated, simple approach to living. They are going to enjoy themselves if at all possible. Children are carefree and completely unconcerned.  They believe what they are told, and they usually have a trusting nature. As you develop this aspect of childlikeness, you relate to God more clearly and easily.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



Have you ever bought an appliance, then six months later it breaks down and you scramble around looking for the guarantee? Finally you find it, send it into the manufacturer with the gadget and either get a new one or your money back! Either way it is a win win situation for you.
So when the Lord says in 2 Corinthians 1:22 that “He is giving us His Holy Spirit in our hearts as the security deposit and guarantee of the fulfillment of His promise,” He is saying His promises are true and accurate and He guarantees it. But we have to do our part and believe whatever promise in the Word that applies to our situation. We can’t just sit back and expect it just to happen for us like a play on a stage. “Then the Lord said to me, you have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1: 12 AMP.
He wants to fulfill His word to you, but your mouth is your weapon against the enemy, so it is up to you to use it. “Put me in remembrance, let us argue together, set forth your case, that you may be proved together.” Is 43:26 ESV

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead to be the final sacrifice for anything you have ever missed the mark on in your life. If you pray and ask Him to forgive you, He washes away every sin you have ever committed. This is why He says “I am the resurrection and the life...” He can resurrect anything, any relationship you have that has gone off, any part of your body that needs healing, or any problem in your finances. The day of my mother’s funeral I was reading that scripture in John . As we drove up to the gravesite, I glanced to one side and saw an old tombstone with the same scripture on it. Then during the graveside ceremony, an Episcopalian priest officiated along with my husband Keith. I had grown up at Dr Hall’s church but never heard scripture there. As he was praying over the coffin, out comes the same verse in JOHN again! I knew the Lord was talking to me. He was confirming that, just like Jesus was resurrected, so would my mother be and I would see her again in eternity. Let the Lord resurrect things in your life this Easter weekend that may seem dead and buried. There is nothing too hard for the Lord and His resurrection power.

21 Then Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give to You.” 23 Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise [from the dead].” 24 Martha replied, “I know that he will rise [from the dead] in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “ I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in, relies on) Me [as Savior] will live even if he dies; 26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me [as Savior] will never die. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord; I have believed and continue to believe that You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of God, He who was [destined and promised] to come into the world [and it is for You that the world has waited].”

JOHN 11:21-27 amp

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary

The Solution

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So many problems in today’s world but only one answer: The Great Commission. When you make an appointment to go to the Doctor, you are not just going to find out about your problem, you are looking for an answer.
 Jesus tells us in Mark 16: 15-18 to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
 Then He gives specific directions on how to do this in the next two verses:
“These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My Name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will get well.” So if the Holy Spirit opens doors for you to do any of these actions, you are operating in the Great Commission.
I was reading the Christian history of Egypt this week and found out that Mark was sent out there to Alexandria by Peter, the apostle. When Mark (who wrote the same gospel) arrived there his sandal was broken. He took it to a shoemaker, and waited for him to fix it. The artisan hurt his hand while fixing the strap and what did Mark do? He laid hands on the man’s hand for healing and he was instantly made whole.  This miracle with the help of a church Mark established in Alexandria, established the Coptic Christian Church in Egypt and converted something like half of Alexandria.  Something as simple as a broken sandal brought half of a city to the Lord. Watch where the Holy Spirit takes you this week and see what opportunities He opens up for you. Adventures in faith!!

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



What is so interesting about the Holy Spirit is that He teaches us everything we can’t see in the natural. He shows us mysteries and divine secrets about the Lord and His ways. The Holy Ghost is our first and foremost Teacher. There is a saying, ‘ When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.’ Are you ready for more of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your life today?
When you allow the Him to pray through you, He builds you up on the inside. This is called the edification process, like 1 Corinthians 14:4 describes: “ He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself but he that prophesies edifies the church.”
This word “edification” comes from the word “edifice.” An edifice is a massive magnificent building. Not just a townhouse but a superstructure like the Empire State building. When you pray in tongues, you are actually creating a superstructure, a divine operation on the inside of your spirit to house the anointing of God. You are also praying yourself into your divine calling. And what is so great about tongues is that your spirit is communicating directly with the Lord, and the enemy cannot understand what you say. It is your private prayer language to Him .
Your Heavenly Father is continually in touch with the life of every believer. His ways are so much higher than our ways, it is above human thinking on how He does it, but He does. When you pray in the Spirit, you immediately enter into divine communication with God Himself. The Lord picks up the telephone on the other end, and says, ‘I know that is you, and I know what you want. And because the wisdom of the Holy Spirit is praying through you, know that the answer is on its way for you, and there is nothing the devil can do about it.’
That is why the enemy hates praying in tongues and does everything he can to distract you from doing it. He has absolutely not idea what you are saying to God. It makes him nervous. He has no jurisdiction when the Holy Spirit creates that supernatural language inside of you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who has come and made His abode on the inside of you. Your flesh is a type of the outer court, your soul  is the inner court. But your born again, recreated spirit is a type of the Holy of Holies – and nobody except your High Priest is allowed inside there.
So make a decision to spend more time praying in the spirit. John Osteen, Pastor Joel Osteen’s Dad, used to say if Christians would just spend ten minutes a day praying in tongues, it would change their lives. Get ready for a life altering change!!

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary


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Romans 9:1 says Paul knew he was on the right track because his conscience was prompted by the Holy Spirit. You know you can plan your actions all day long, but if the Spirit of God does not bear witness with you, it will not be God's best. The mind does help the spirit at times, but your best results will be when your mind and your spirit are working together. However the promptings of the spirit should always be honored above the mind. 

If you know in your spirit that something is wrong, you should not allow reasoning to talk you into doing it. On the other hand, don't allow your reasoning to talk you out of doing something right! Let the Holy Spirit bear witness with you whether something is right or wrong. Allow your conscience to always be enlightened or prompted by the Holy Spirit. 

"My conscience (enlightened and prompted) by the Holy Spirit always bearing witness with me..." Romans 9:1

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



Listen, if the Lord is calling you to something new in your life, you can't just sit back on your haunches and say, "Well, maybe I will get to that later...". Now might be the only time this opportunity is going to pass you by. All good things come to those who wait, but don't procrastinate. Obeying God today might cost you time, money or even your reputation. Your opinions might not square up with man’s opinions, but if God be for you, who can be against you. There might be a tithe or offering you are supposed to give but you have been hesitating about it. This could be the very thing the Lord will use for your breakthrough to what stands against you. We had our house on the market for over a year in the early 80’s and no one was looking at it. An evangelist was speaking in our church for a week and lots of people were coming to the altar for salvation. Keith turned to me during the offering and said, we need to sow a seed. We were in total agreement, gave a valuable gold coin, and 21 days later the house sold for cash!

2019 is a year of extremes, and you listening and obeying the Holy Spirit will bring you extreme blessing in whatever area He is leading you in. His favor will surround you like a shield once you make a move, but the key word here is getting into motion.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith & Mary



Sometimes only God can make something happen in your life.  When the enemy gets you impatient, frustrated and fretful, it is just your flesh attempting to get something done.
You can pray and believe for a breakthrough, and it seems like nothing is happening. But Jesus explains that to us in the patient farmer of Mark 4:26-28. This man sows his seed and then goes his way, sleeping and rising. Eventually the ground brings forth its yield on its own. “The earth produces (acting) by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.” V. 28. Acting by itself!  Sometimes you plant your seed and just leave it alone, water it with praise, and let God give the increase. We used to use a phrase, “You are not the Holy Ghost Junior,” LOL.
The farmer doesn’t exactly know when the harvest will come, but his job is to get up in the morning, do his work, and go to bed at night. He keeps his patient vigil over the seed he has sown until he receives his harvest.
The Lord is trying to tell us this is how we should respond to God, but we are often impatient. The farmer never knows when his crop is going to come in but he continues faithfully to enrich his crops and cultivate his soil.  If we hear what the Lord is saying here and follow His lead, that crop will produce for you in no time.
Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



Believers are supposed to bring heaven to earth in their workplace. Your heart of excellence service and willingness to do the least tasks will speak volumes for the kingdom. We were blessed when ministering in Taiwan several years ago to see this very polite man standing at the elevator in a jumpsuit, ushering people in and out. We later found out he was the Asian president of Adidas. His heart was to serve the Lord any way he could, regardless of who he was. You know when people see a servants heart in their leaders, they have a desire to serve as well. But as you serve in your work, your church or your community, you can change culture. Go for the prize!! You may have to surf that big wave, it can be scary and uncomfortable but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.  


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You might be presenting a contract, buying a house or offering your services of some kind, and the Lord wants you to lean upon His favor. That’s what He did with a little peasant girl in Persia, or modern day Iran. Esther was Jewish to boot, a race that was (and still is) anathema in that country. Nevertheless, she was chosen to become the Queen of that country. And an eternal flame burns in that country for her standing up to save the Jewish race in Persia at that time.
Never forget, God’s favor is your trump card, His grace can supercede anything and anyone. A young couple had saved up enough money to buy a house and had had their eyes on one in the foothills. This was a gorgeous property, it overlooked the whole town and even resembled a castle on the outside, However a lot of other people liked it as well, and offers were pouring in, even above the asking price. So this couple prayed for supernatural favor – they had waited several years for this house to come on the market and they knew it was theirs. Eventually they had an opportunity to relay the message to the owner that they were ministers and wanted to use the house for home groups and bible studies.  The owner was shocked because years ago, his grandmother had prophesied to him in Peru that he would go to America, become successful and be able to buy property because of the Hand of God on his life. She also said “When it comes time to sell it, let it go to another Christian couple that can use it for the Lord.” The man chose to sell it to the couple in spite of higher offers from other people. The favor of God flowed freely on this young couples’ life, because they believed for it.
When you are up against a seemingly impossible situation, ask the Lord to open a door of supernatural favor for you. Let it be something that you or no one could do in the natural. If His favor can make a peasant girl a Queen, or a young couple to own a castle, He can give you the desires of your heart. Think big in 2019! Stretch your faith and ask Him to cover you with His grace.
Esther 2:16 (AMP)
“So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal palace in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign. And the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more that all the maidens, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.”

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary


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We enroll in college, masters programs, conferences, language school and even Drivers Education courses. Are you open to enroll in the school of the Holy Spirit this year? He can give you and education that far exceeds anything you can learn in a traditional classroom. Ask Him to teach you through the Word and have it confirmed by experiences in life.

Once when I was going through a dark time with one of our children, I opened the Bible and the Lord gave me Psalms 113:9; “He makes the barren woman to be a joyful mother of spiritual children..” So I quietly asked the Lord what He meant here, and revelation came. If I wanted my children to be spiritual, I had to have a joyful attitude about life.

Depression is weakness but joy is your strength. The Holy Spirit was leading me out of a potentially depressing situation into a higher place. When you rejoice in the midst of circumstances, you are demonstrating that you are believing for victory in spite what you see.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



“And do not for a moment  be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign and  proof and seal to them of their impending destruction, but a sure token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation and that from God….” Phil 1:28

Those two words, constancy and fearlessness is what you and I need to display in the face of attacks by the enemy, both physical and spiritual. When people or situations come against you to destroy you, you have to stand firm and confident that God is going to turn this around for your good. You don’t have to change or be moved, but you stay steady and let God do the changing.

But God will not do anything without you inviting Him. Pray and ask Him to change your circumstances. Then stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!

Do you know why your constancy and fearlessness show Satan he will fail?

Because he realizes the only way he can overcome a believer is by deception and intimidation.  Don’t let the devil bully you!! He won’t be able to when you are not afraid of him. Don’t let fear, anger or depression move you, choose to stand firmly on the word of God. Stay constant and fearless and you will overcome the enemy every time.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



“Every promise from the faithful God is pure and proves to be true. He is a wrap-around shield of protection to run to hide in Him.” Prov 30:5 TPT

He will prove to you that His word is the truth this year of 2019 if you will take scriptures that are quickened to you and use them as “smart bombs” against the enemy. Write down specific words that He speaks to your heart, memorize and meditate them as personal words to you. He is promising to protect you here from any source of destruction from the enemy, as a “wrap around shield.” Think how a nice wool coat wraps around you in these winter month: that is the same way the Lord wraps you in His protection as you hide in His promises.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



You might have a great case against an issue, person or situation this year, but there may be something you have overlooked. Be sure to go before the Lord and ask Him for His will in starting something.  There was a story Kenneth Hagin told about a situation that happened to him and his family as a travelling minister when he first started out.  They were staying at the house of the pastor while they conducted a week of meetings at his church. Every day the pastor would leave the house early in the morning, and not leave anything in the refrigerator for the family to eat. They would return home at night just before the meeting to pick them up, still having not fed them. Fortunately other people in the church took care of them, but Brother Hagin was considering reporting this pastor to the denominational overseers because of the inhospitable treatment. But the Lord spoke to him and said, Anyone who treats a travelling minister like that will not last long in ministry. A year later the man and his wife had given up their church and were no longer pastoring.

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



Have you ever felt you were in an impossible situation and you just wanted to give up? That is the way Job felt after losing all his children and possessions in a great calamity. You can’t really blame him after such a tragedy, but the good news is that God is the God of resurrection power. The Lord ended up restoring Job’s family and his fortunes, and he had twice as much as he had before. Always remember that you have an advocate in Jesus Christ, He is the one mediator between you and Him. Trust Him to intercede for you when you cannot do it yourself.

Job 8:7 says “And though your beginning was small, your latter end will greatly increase…”

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary



When our church takes up the tithes and offerings, they call it “generosity” time,.  The word generosity is defined as the quality of being kind and generous.  This is definitely the season for that, and the more generous you are,  the more the Lord can honor it. He needs your generous actions to respond to. In fact, He says in Proverbs 11:25, that people who are generous will be enriched. Also, when you “water” others you will be “watered” in return.

In what ways can you be generous to someone today?

Making Room For The Anointing,

Keith and Mary