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There was a lady on an overseas trip that got so engrossed in her quiet time with the Lord that she missed breakfast in the hotel where she was staying. But while she was in her room, a horrific terror attack took place in the hotel restaurant where she was supposed to eat. If she had not lost track of time, she would have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was led to linger in His presence that morning. She put her time with the Lord first over eating breakfast.

You will always be dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High if you include Jesus in your schedule. You can be responsible and be led at the same time, just make sure it is the Spirit leading you. If you are always late for work because you are “led by the Spirit” to be doing something else, you can expect to be fired. When the Lord is leading you, you will have good success and victory.

I remember driving home from our friend’s ranch in central California one day. We had had a great time with them, and my husband Keith was driving and our son David was fast asleep in the back seat. All of a sudden a tire fell off the fifth wheel trailer we were next to. It started heading at us, and turned horizontal towards the windshield as if it would smash through the glass and kill us both. At that moment I cried out “Jesus help us! Jesus Jesus! “All of a sudden it was like an angel lifted us up in the air, the tire went under the engine, and we were literally carried off safely onto the center median of the freeway. We got out of the car stunned on how God’s protection saved us from an untimely accident.

His Name is above every name.  If you can only remember the Name of Jesus when a crisis hits you, shout it out. Your bold declaration will save you from any situation. Trust in the Lord’s protection, pray a line or two from Psalms 91 and watch the Lord direct you. “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you….”



This week I was scuba diving with my daughter in the Indonesian islands after ministering in Taiwan and Singapore. The Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for Right Happenings. Like Abraham’s servant who was sent to go and find a bride for his son Isaac, Gen 24:12. Of course, the servant didn’t know which girl would be the right one, so he prayed, ‘Oh Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” The phrase “please give me success” translates to the word qarah. Qarah in Hebrew means “right happening.” And of course the servant found an excellent wife for Isaac. So I also prayed this prayer, and as soon as I came out of the cabin, everyone on board was shouting “look look.”There were 30 Modular rays jumping out of the water at once. They continued to put on a show around the bay about ten times in a row. The boat crew said they had never seen anything like that in the three years this boat has been taking people around these islands. The right thing happening at the right place. Do you need some right happenings in your life? God wants to keep you safe and at the right place at the right time. You can do so much, but only the Lord can protect you 100% of the time. Pray Psalms 91 and let Him lead you on the wavelength of peace.



Rom 15:1-2 Msg “Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us need to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

Christianity is not a spectator sport. Jesus got involved with the lowest of the low and helped them at their very moment of need, like the woman caught in the act of adultery and was about to be stoned to death. After our little town of Montecito was deluged by mudslides in January, 23 people were killed, and over 400 houses were destroyed. It was amazing to see how whole churches turned out and helped. There were 20-30 foot piles of mud on the side of the streets, as well as covering the houses. But people came forward on Saturday mornings with rubber boots and shovels to sift through the mud for peoples’ belongings that had been carried away in the wave of sludge that poured down the mountain through the town.

Have you got anyone in your life that needs help, comfort, or encouragement right now? It is amazing how a simple text can brighten someone’s day. Ask the Lord who He has in your path that needs a lift. He will bring someone to you that may not have made it through the day without your smile, laughter and joy.



We experienced hopefully the last storm of the season in Southern California last week and it was a doozy.  With an appointment in Los Angeles, we had to drive 90 miles south through blinding rain and hydroplaning cars. Since SoCal gets so little rain, drivers are unused to it and might as well be in a Minnesota snowstorm the way they try to navigate the freeway. We finally had to get off the road and wait for the squall to calm down before going any farther, and that was the favor of God we did that. When we continued on about two hours later, the havoc of cars strewn by the side of the road was evidence we had made the right decision.

When you face a difficult situation in your life, you have all these obstacles, remember to ask the Lord for favor to show you the way out. The favor of God is what is pushing back the darkness, it is what protected us in a near accident last week.  Favor surrounds you like a shield FROM the storm. It doesn’t come and go. It is with you in the good times and the tough times and will cause you to walk out of situations smelling like a rose.




When you start hunting down the Presence of God, your life starts to change.  The enemy is so subtle, he tries to make you think seeking first the kingdom is not important. But the last part of that verse says “ And all these things will be added unto you.” The Lord desires you to come under His wings, into a place of safety.  He is a mighty God and He wants to show himself strong on your behalf. But you have to move in His direction. He is waiting there for you.

“Let those on the hunt for You sing and celebrate; Let all who love your saving way say over and over, “God is mighty!” Ps 70:4



Peoples’ eyes might be blinded to the glorious gospel of truth but they are not blind to unselfish acts of love.  When the Lord says the love of God draws people to salvation, that is the truth.  Your conduct is a bigger witness than your words. What did St Francis of Assisi say? Unsaved or backslidden people may brush off your words but they can’t ignore your kindness. Usually when a person is rude to you, that’s because he is taking his problems out on you. One time in the 80ties Keith and I were going to a conference at the Desert Inn Hotel in Las Vegas. As we pulled up to park, a picket line of striking workers blocked our way.  A man jumped out of the crowd, came up to the car, looked at me, and said to Keith, “Is that your pro-?” Keith looked at him compassionately, realizing what spirit was behind that remark. He said to this worker on strike, “Jesus really loves you…” The man walked away speechless.  The Name of Jesus is a powerful tool in your arsenal. ACTS 16: 31-34 AMP

Acts 16:31 The Message (MSG)
29-31 The jailer got a torch and ran inside. Badly shaken, he collapsed in front of Paul and Silas. He led them out of the jail and asked, “Sirs, what do I have to do to be saved, to really live?” They said, “Put your entire trust in the Master Jesus. Then you’ll live as you were meant to live—and everyone in your house included!”




Do you have other peoples’ criticisms and judgments hanging in the back of your mind like dirty laundry? That indicates you are thinking about the current problem, not the answer. Someone might hurl insults at you at work, or you have a relative that verbally trashes you at every opportunity. But when you allow the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ to rise up in you, nothing can keep you down. You might BE down but when you meditate on the power of His word within you, it explodes all barriers to faith inside of you.

That’s what Paul did when the viper jumped out of the fire and bit his hand. The Apostle was busy gathering sticks to make a fire and dry his clothes when a poisonous snake, driven out of the flames, suddenly laid hold on his hand. But Acts 28:1-5 says Paul simply shook it off into the fire and “suffered no evil effects…” We have to do the same when situations try to bite us – we need to be bold and shake it off. Whatever troubles you from the past, shake it off. God has a great plan for your future. There is no room for the snakebites of the past, even if it was yesterday.



God is fresh: He is new: He is Now. Whatever is stale, old or of the past needs to be thrown down the garbage disposal of life.

Is 43: 18-19 Msg
“Forget about what has happened, don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out. Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Wild animals will say ‘Thank you!”


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When you magnetize a metal object, you create an invisible force that causes it to be attracted to other metal objects. This attachment occurs automatically without any effort on the part of the magnet.

When you are a tither and a giver, an invisible force operates like the magnet in your life as you are generous in your giving. You will be blessed abundantly above what you ask or think.

Proverbs 11:25
“The liberal person shall be made rich. By watering others he waters himself.”



It was such a surprise and a blessing to be asked to join 32 ministers on the Christians United for Israel tour to that wonderful country last month. One thing that really struck me was the Eastern Gate of the old city of Jerusalem. It has remained sealed now for nearly 500 years, and a Jewish cemetery blocks the entrance.  The Jewish people buried there believe that the Messiah will come through those gates, they are just not aware that Messiah is Jesus. But they are right, the Lord will arrive from the Mount of Olives on a white horse and this gate will open. Ps 24:7-10 prophesies about the Lord’s return: “Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up. O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in! Who is the King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in Battle.”

The old walled city has eight gates and only this Eastern Gate is sealed, just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44. This gate awaits the return of the Messiah. Then and only then will it be opened. What gates are closed to you in your life? Ask the Lord to open them supernaturally. 2018 represents a year to be loosed from bondage and freely go through those gates. Jesus is truly coming soon for a church without spot or blemish. He wants to dissolve anything that stops your progress this year.



When Peter and John told the beggar they didn’t have any money to give him but
what they DID have was the Name of Jesus. “Rise up and walk!” was their
prescription for his healing. It was up to the beggar to stay where he was, where he
had sat in squalor for years or to take the anointing on those words and get up.
When the Lord speaks to you, it can be so simple that you can easily miss it.
Remember in 1 Kings where the Lord spoke to Elisha, “Not in the wind or the rain,
but in a still small voice.’ That is the sound of the voice that will lead, guide ad direct
you. Sit in His presence, be brave, be strong, and don’t give up. Expect God to get
where you are soon.

Come and join us Thursday and Friday at the Arise Newport Beach Conference, Feb
1-3. Both nights are free and our theme for 2018 is Sound Waves. Hear what God
has planned for you this year! We would love to see you there.


At the Mount of Olives….”Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed…” Luke 22:39These olive trees in the background have been there for 2000 years, since the time of Jesus.This was His prayer place.

At the Mount of Olives….”Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed…” Luke 22:39

These olive trees in the background have been there for 2000 years, since the time of Jesus.This was His prayer place.

When Joseph started working for Pharaoh as the second in command of all of Egypt, he changed Joseph’s name to Zaphenath-Paneah (God Speaks and He lives). God spoke the interpretation of the dream through Joseph to Pharaoh, and His voice created a huge open door for him.  What is God speaking through you and what are you saying about it?  If you continually emphasize what is going on around you instead of His promises, you are focusing on the circumstances instead of the power that can change them. You aren’t denying the situation exists, but you are not allowing them to dominate you. They may be threatening like a Goliath three times bigger than you are, but remember the courage David had in spite of what he saw, to say “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, who comes against the armies of the Living God?”

I was honored to be part of the Christians United for Israel tour last week in Israel with 30 other ministers. It was glorious to hear how Israel would fight battles in the Golan Heights against the Syrians, when the Israelis were down to seven tanks and the Syrians had 200 tanks coming against them. The courage and cunning the Israelis fought with ended up them winning the battle against impossible odds. They let God speak through them. As you allow Him to use you like that, a new courage and confidence will flow through you as well. Just keep giving God the credit and He will fight your battles for you.

Join us for the first Arise conference of the year at the beautiful Newport Beach Marriott Bayview Feb 1-3.  Register online at


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Your wife will bear children as a vine bears grapes, your household lush as a vineyard, The children around your table as fresh and promising as young olive shoots. Stand in awe of God’s Yes. Oh, how he blesses the one who fears God! Psalm 128:3

Olive trees are the only trees that don’t lose their leaves in the winter. Take this word for your children and watch them develop into their fresh and promising destiny the Lord has called them into. They will stay with you. Declare and decree it. 

The promise of the olive tree is that the olive oil will always rise to the top. You will stand in awe of what God does. 



Did you know you are actually a speaking spirit?  The smallest particle in the Universe is not an atom, proton or neutron, it is called a Quark.  And actually, what a Quark is, is a sound wave. So when Ps 4:3 says “He listens the split second I call to Him,” means God connects with your voice the moment He hears you. Have you ever noticed that when you have lost something and you ask the Holy Spirit where it went, that sooner or later it will turn up? He hears and responds to your voice. He knows where every particle in the world is. And your voice is the connector, it is the most elemental part of you. 

If you strung a person’s DNA out onto a wave chart, it would actually be a song, individual and unique, unlike any other person’s. So what songs have you been singing lately to the Lord? Thankfulness, appreciation, encouragement? Doubt, failure, disappointment? God is a good God and all good things come down from the Father of Lights. Sing songs, speak words that line up with His Word, and watch your prayers be answered.Your pattern of vibrations are unique to you: Let 2018 be the year where they flow even more harmoniously with Him.



“Wisdom is the most valuable commodity – so buy it!
Revelation knowledge is what you need – so invest in it.
Wisdom will exalt you when you exalt her truth.
She will lead you to honor and favor
When you lead your life by her insights,

You will be adorned with beauty and grace and wisdom’s glory will wrap itself around you, making you victorious in the race.” Prov 4:7-9 Passion

In this world there are many voices, but only one voice counts – that of the Holy Spirit.  What is His still small voice telling you to do in 2018? The theme of our Arise Womens’ Conferences this year is “Sound Waves.” The smallest particle in the universe is a quark, way smaller than an electron or a neutron.  This minute piece of matter is essentially a sound wave.  A sound wave can produce a symphonic sound or it can be a cacaphonic disaster to the ears.  Lining up with the Holy Spirit this year can produce a harmonious flow to your life as you follow His promptings.  The funny thing is, the Holy Spirit will keep after you when He wants you to turn right or left in your life. His voice will reverberate over and over, not in an incongruous way, but in a way that flows with your life. Your mouth, and essentially the sound that forms words out of your heart, will create your life. It is created by that thing right below your nose called your mouth. Try watching what you say for the first seven days of 2018 and see if there is anything you would like to God can make this a breakthrough year for you as you listen to the Holy Spirit and speak life over your life.

We agree with you for harmony and hope to come out of your mouth in 2018 and for signs and wonders to follow.

Many Blessings to you,
Keith and Mary




“Then all at once, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they all praised God, singing, ‘Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven! For there is a peace and a good hope given to the sons of men…” Luke 2:13-14 Passion

At the birth of Jesus, the angels announced He was bringing peace and hope to humanity.  Whatever you are going through this Christmas, remember His peace is there for you. If you are agitated or thrown off kilter during the holidays, pop out that bible and start reading.  Or download a Bible app on your phone and read for five minutes during your break.  The Lord will speak to you and the peace of God that passes all understanding will settle down on you.  His word is supernatural because the Holy Spirit uses it to divide what is spiritual from what is emotional in your life.  You may not see a way out of your situation but He is the Waymaker. The Lord has a way for you. He will light it up as you look to Him.  Have a Christmas full of Light this year.


We love you and bless you,
Keith and Mary



If you don’t say it, you don’t have authority to believe it. Authority is transferred by words.  Romans 10:17, “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God…” or, “by his stripes I am healed…”, is 53:4,5.

You see people line up to receive their healing. You ask them “are you going to receive your healing tonight?’ they say, “ I sure hope so…” but you can’t hope so, you have to know so. It is his word. And his word is his bond. God has bound himself to his word.  It is a covenant that cannot be changed or cancelled. Sometimes we are silly in our preconceived ideas.  God made your body. It was lifeless and colorless but God is a spirit. 

The body has a unique role to play in physical affairs. It gives man an authority in the natural as well as in the spiritual world. Man is a spirit. He has a soul made up of his mind, will and emotions. And he lives in a body. You have authority under God in heaven. You have dominion in three worlds. Now you know why the spirit of God wants to inhabit your body. He can send your body to Africa or a jail visitation. But he needs your body to operate through.

God said my words are spirit and life! He used words of authority to create a living man. God made covenant with man and gave him authority. God says in Mark 11 “ you cast out devils, you pick up deadly serpents and they don’t hurt you!



God has a great life waiting for you and your family. Your children will only be living with you for a short time. Your joyful attitude during those 18 years or so will make all the difference of how unified your family is after that.

I remember being very depressed for a three month period years ago while our children were all still at home. This may have happened to you at times or is even happening to you right now.  It was a challenge to get up in the morning. It was like a wet blanket was pulled over my head. After 90 days of this I opened my bible to

Ps 113:9 amp, “He makes the barren woman to be a joyful mother of spiritual children.”

What was the Lord saying here? That I was supposed to rejoice in the middle of a unhappy situation? The words were jumping off the page at me, saying, if you want your children to be spiritual, you will need to get happy. Judgment and sorrow always drags you down, but God wants you to look to His promises, and keep focused on His goodness. He is the judge, not you. When you become aware of that He will never let you down.

There was a time when we were pastoring in the 80ties that a couple who helped us start the church decided to leave it after a couple of years.  Keith was distressed and went about moaning and groaning about the loss of them leaving. But the Lord rebuked him and said, “If you don’t take care of the ones you have left, they will leave too.” Fortunately Keith took heed of that word and the church grew and prospered from that point on.  However it was because he decided to change his attitude.  You can stay in the pit of depression or move to the palace of joy.  Your choice, but when you consider His joy is your strength but depression is your weakness, then you realize it is time to get strong in the Lord and move away from depression.

We have seen so many families turn around when this principle is applied. Start applying it yourself by changing your attitude and looking up. You can endure the day or pursue His presence and experience fullness of joy. That is why looking into the Word when things get tough, and letting Him speak to you out of the scriptures, makes all the difference.


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Testimonies continue to abound as we minister in meetings and Arise Conferences. One young woman stood in the gap for her Mom who had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Even though the mother was not saved and not in the meeting, her daughter’s faith healed her. The doctor told the Mom the black spot on her lung had totally disappeared by her next visit! Other women totally turned from victims to victors at our Maui Arise Conference in October. They are regularly attending and volunteering at church, they have even started a small group and their leader has seen a huge difference in them.

Do everything you can to stay in unity with your loved ones this Thanksgiving holiday – that is where God commands the blessing. There are many reasons where you can be justified to stay in strife, but excuses are like noses, everyone has one. In John 5:7-9 the man at the pool of Bethesda made excuses for his condition but Jesus refused to go there, and instead asked for action.  He tells the man to get moving, to do what he can do. Walking in love is the surest way to keep your health, finances and family intact, especially when you don’t feel like it!! Time to rise above your feelings.

“Love never gives up,
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first.”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always, always looks for the best
Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.”  1 Cor 13: 3-7 msg


General Patton was outspoken and opinionated man to most people. However he was a fighter and he was one of the main reasons America won the Second World War. against the Nazis. General Patton lived with winning on his mind.  Even his dog was named William the Conqueror.

Your praises and prayers may not be pretty, and other people might think you are radical. But once you start getting results they will want to know what you are doing that they are not. As you speak the Word with conviction against the enemy, he backs down and you overtake His lies. 

There is a book written by a faith-filled lady evangelist from the 1940ties, called Grace Ryerson Roos. She writes about a fight she had with the devil in prayer. She started by pleading the Blood over her situation, and she could see him in her mind’s eye, standing off and laughing at her seemingly feeble attempts to win the battle. But that made her even more determined. As she persevered, she noticed a fear fall over his face and a quiver in his voice as he trembled at the sound of God’s word out of her mouth, aimed directly at him. Just as it was for the enemy on the Mount of Temptation, when he tried to twist Jesus’ words and Jesus quickly rebuked him, he was forced to slowly back down from this resolute prayer warrior and slink away.

You might have an instant manifestation to your words or it can take time. Just be aware that every time you pray in faith, your voice is carrying victory to its intended destination. MichaelAngelo did not finish the sculpture of David overnight. It was a process. What is impossible with men is possible with God.                                                                                                                                                             Mark 11:23-24 “I assure you: if anyone says to this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray and ask for, believe that you HAVE received them and you will have them.” (HCSB)